With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE17 ENV/GR/000215 and the co-financing of Green Fund, Greece
The city of Graz trials CO2-free postal delivery
In August 2020, a collaboration between Austrian Post and the City of Graz began to test CO2-free postal delivery. The project is testing the delivery of letters and parcels using e-bikes and trailers in the inner city area of Graz. The project is a 3-month trial and potentially serves as a blueprint for the future of postal deliveries in conurbations.
The trial involves 3 postal workers, who collect their letters and parcels from a container. This container is left by a lorry that has brought it directly from the postal distribution centre. After having collected their letters and parcels from the container, the delivery is done by e-bike in the inner city area of Graz with about 120 parcels being delivered by each employee a day.
Source: Eltis