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With the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union - LIFE17 ENV/GR/000215 and  the co-financing of Green Fund, Greece

Five ways last-mile logistics can be systematically transformed

As consumers are ordering more online and expecting faster deliveries, the demand for last-mile delivery is soaring. However, cities are struggling with traffic congestion and air pollution due to the increasing number of delivery vehicles, the noise their engines produce, and second-lane parking. The public sector has launched various local initiatives to combat this problem, however, harmonised regulatory frameworks have yet to arrive.

There are 24 partners now exploring different business models for last-mile delivery within the recently announced EU initiative ULaaDS – Urban Logistics as an on-Demand Service, which aims to accelerate the deployment of innovative, shared, zero-emission logistics while addressing the impact of the on-demand economy. ULaaDS brings together city authorities, research institutions, industry and logistics stakeholders, associations, and networks.

David Fernández, a consultant with one of the organisations involved in ULaaDS proposes five business models, combining innovative tech, new schemes for horizontal collaboration, and policy measures and interventions as catalysts for systemic change in last-mile logistics.

  1. Containerised urban last-mile delivery.

  2. Marketplaces for city logistics

  3. Platforms for the integrated management of delivery times and space

  4. City hubs: shared use of small-scale distribution centers

  5. Transport vehicle capacity sharing


Source: Eltis

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